Declaration of Results
Reeve: RM of BAILDON
for the election held on the 13 day of November , 2024 .
Names of Candidates Number of Votes or Acclamation/Elected
ANTHONY , Terry _______________222_______________
KAISER, Jerry ________________29_______________
Number of rejected ballots, except those on
which no vote was made: ……………………………………………………….. ________3_____
*Number of ballots counted but objected to:…………………………….. _______0______
Spoiled: (e.g. Issued to a person who declined to vote) ……………… _______0______
Total number of voters who voted as indicated on
each Form Z (or Form AA for voting machines) ……………………….. _______254______
I declare that this is an accurate statement of the votes cast for the office
of _________________Reeve_____________ for ___RM of Baildon #131______
(Specify) (Municipality or School Division)
Dated this 14 day of November, 2024.